
Catalytic Converter Repair

The catalytic converter is an essential component in all fuel-powered cars and trucks. Required since 1975 thanks to concerns about air quality, they reduce the number of harmful toxins released via vehicle emissions. Signs a Catalytic Converter is Failing Ideally, you’ll get quite a few years or 100,000 miles out of your converter before [...]


What to Know About Muffler Repair

Thankfully, it's pretty easy to know if you need to fix or replace your muffler. Unfortunately, though, the telltale sign is a pretty annoying one. The number one sign that your muffler needs attention is hearing loud noises when driving or idling your car. Especially when accelerating, if the muffler isn’t working properly, you’ll [...]


Why to Check if Your Vehicle Is in Need of Exhaust Repair

Your vehicle's catalytic converter, muffler, and exhaust system are critical components. You should always ensure that they are well-maintained and performing properly. Your life could be in jeopardy! Finally, a good exhaust system will ensure that your car runs smoothly. Its primary function is to divert harmful exhaust fumes from your engine. Bad things [...]


Can a Custom Muffler Improve Your Vehicle’s Performance

Even if a vehicle is well-built by the manufacturer, there may be room for improvement. This is particularly true in terms of horsepower and torque. The manufacturer of your vehicle may have done an excellent job designing a safe and functional vehicle, but this does not necessarily imply that the exhaust system has been [...]


Eugene Houdry

Inventor Eugene Houdry was born in Domont, France, in April of 1892. The son of a wealthy structural steel manufacturer, Houdry was encouraged to learn about mechanical engineering from his youth. He majored in the subject, at the Ecole des Arts et Metiers in Paris. Houdry invented a catalytic cracking process that could transform [...]

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