
Car Repair Tools

Having your own tools comes in handy in many ways. You’ll definitely save some money, and often time, by not having to rush to your Utah auto repair facility for every minor repair that needs to be made.  There are three general categories of tool sets.  You can have a basic tool set, medium [...]


How to Change a Flat

It’s important to be ready to change a flat when the unexpected happens. Changing a flat tire can be a long, frustrating process if you aren’t prepared. You may not always have your Utah Auto Repair shop nearby to rely on. But, follow these steps and you’ll have smooth sailing and be on your way again.


Top 6 Brake Problems

Here are the six most common problems Utah brake repair shops face when a customer brings their vehicle in for repairs. No matter how good of a driver you are brake problems can happen. Stay safe, and pay attention to any problems in your brake system. A major problem Utah brake repair shops face [...]


Checking Your Brake Lines

Brake lines generally last longer than the life of the vehicle.  But a small leak in the brake system can cause your brakes to fail.  If you find a leak, take it in to your favorite Utah brake repair shop as soon as you can. Every six months spend some quality time looking [...]


Online Brake Help

Before taking your vehicle to your local Utah brake repair company it doesn’t hurt to go on the Internet and read about how vehicle systems work.  There is a lot of good information there to help you be more knowledgeable so you’ll know what your mechanic is talking about.  Some of my favorite sites [...]


Car Repair Costs

Let’s face it, owning a car is expensive. Not only do you have to pay for fuel, insurance, and registration but for repairs also, such as when you go down to your favorite Utah brake repair garage. And these repairs can be pricey.


Don’t Overuse Your Brakes

It is very important to know the limits of your brake system. Knowing the limit can keep you safe and save you from having to go to a Utah brake repair company for problems. If you want to keep your brakes from overheating, be sure to take care of your brakes. Even with reliable [...]


Getting the Right Brake Repair

If you’re having trouble with your brakes then it’s time to take your car into your local West Valley brake repair company.  Unfortunately brakes aren’t considered a wear item so they aren’t covered by warranty.  Although brake repair is often expensive, for your own safety you shouldn’t put off taking your vehicle into a [...]


Working on Your Brakes – a Brief Overview

Keeping your brake system functioning properly should take priority over every other repair that needs to be done to your car.  It is the single most important system to the safe operation of your vehicle.  If you are ever in doubt about your braking system take it in to your local Utah brake repair [...]

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