
Drum Brakes Inventor, Louis Renault

Louis Renault was a Frenchman born in 1877, whose name, to this day, brings up intrigue and tragedy. As a boy, he was fascinated with the development of the new horseless carriage. French enigneers had invented an unseemly three-wheeled steam-powered vehicle. But, once Serpollet and Peugeot started using internal combustion engines instead, the Peugeot [...]


Disc Brakes Inventor, Frederick William Lanchester

An English engineer born in the late 1800s, in London, Frederick William Lanchester was a man who is marked in history as one of the greatest contributors to the development of automobile and aeronautic technology. Lanchester completed his college work at Hartley University College followed by the National School of Science at Imperial College. [...]


ABS Brakes: Gabriel Voisin

The anti-lock brake system, now known as ABS, was originally invented for airplanes in 1929. The French automobile and aeronautical engineer, Gabriel Voison, developed ABS because threshold braking for airplanes was next to impossible. Anti-lock brakes allow the tires to maintain traction on the road surface while braking. This prevents locking of the wheels [...]


Eugene Houdry

Inventor Eugene Houdry was born in Domont, France, in April of 1892. The son of a wealthy structural steel manufacturer, Houdry was encouraged to learn about mechanical engineering from his youth. He majored in the subject, at the Ecole des Arts et Metiers in Paris. Houdry invented a catalytic cracking process that could transform [...]


Types of Mufflers

Eugene Houdry invented the catalytic muffler in 1962, today a standard part of all American cars. The muffler is designed to not only reduce the noise of the engine, but to reduce back pressure as well. A good muffler can thus improve engine performance. In addition, Eugene Houdry’s goal was met when he managed [...]


How a Muffler Works

[Click here to view a diagram showing how mufflers work] A muffler is an attachment to the exhaust pipe, underneath an automobile, that allows exhaust to leave the engine and helps dilute the sound and, in general, reduce emissions at the same time. The original catalytic muffler was designed specifically to reduce the carbon [...]


History of the Muffler

The inventor of the catalytic muffler, Eugene Houdry, was a Frenchman interested in reducing the pollution released into the air by automobile exhaust pipes. He started his line of inventions with a catalytic process that effectively doubled the amount of useable oil that could be produced from crude oil. He produced high-grade gasoline from [...]


Touching Up Auto Paint

Do you ever laugh at that guy that parks his shiny new car at the furthest end of the parking lot to keep his car from getting scratched? Well, even though he has a long way to walk, he may have figured something out right, because most cars will end up getting scratched, scuffed, [...]


Tips for Changing Your Own Oil

Many drivers in Utah just have their local Utah auto repair center do their oil changes. But, if you have a little experience you can do your own oil changes. Maybe you’ve done them before, but you just need some helpful tips to make sure you do the job right. One thing you should [...]


Reading Automotive Wiring Diagrams

Learning how to read automotive wiring diagrams can help you pinpoint electrical problems in your car. Wiring diagrams are technical drawings that use symbols to represent a car’s electronic system. Whether your vehicle is old or new, such a diagram can be irreplaceable for helping you diagnose wiring problems. You will need to start [...]

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