
Basic Car Maintenance

We take our vehicles for granted. We get in. We turn the key. We drive. But if we do not take the time and effort to regularly maintain our vehicles, we will always pay for it later on down the road. An owner’s manual is an intimidating, Bible-sized book that seems overwhelming just to [...]


Maintaining Auto Brakes

Brake maintenance is pivotal for the safety of any vehicle. In between brake jobs, there are a few things you can do to keep your brakes running better longer. Starting with the brake fluid, it is wise to regularly check the fluid levels, in case of a leak. When you check your oil [...]


Jumping a Car Battery

It’s usually something like a cold, wintry morning when your car battery decides to quit. You try and try to get the car started, but to no avail. You open the hood with your freezing fingers and look inside and think, “Now what?” Well, if you have a friend, or have flagged someone down [...]


How to Change Spark Plugs

Changing spark plugs is something almost anyone of reasonable ability can do, saving money over paying someone else to do it. Starting with the owner’s manual for your auto, you will need to look up the location of the spark plugs on your vehicle. At an auto parts center, purchase the new spark plugs [...]


Diagnosing an Axle Problem

Diagnosing an axle problem is not something everyone can do. But when you hear strange noises when driving, it is likely something that needs attention ASAP. Having a basic understanding of the different types of problems with axles and axle components can give the advantage of catching something before it gets worse. With noises [...]


Wintertime Auto Maintenance

Many people take their autos for granted. They get in the car each morning and drive to work without a second thought about the multiple functioning parts under the hood and beneath the car that allow the driver to move the vehicle from point A to point B. But those who take their cars [...]


Tuning up for a Long Trip

A long trip in your car will likely uncover hidden problems that have, thus far, gone undetected. The problem with that is you don’t want to be out in the middle of nowhere when these problems make themselves known. A quick tune-up before you leave is the best way to ensure a disaster-free trip. [...]


Tire Pressure in Utah Winters

Unfortunately, many drivers in the state of Utah forget about maintaining proper tire pressure. It should come as no surprise, therefore, that many more are not aware of the changes in tire pressure that take place with the change of seasons. In the Utah winters, the air can become very cold. In those chilly [...]


The Six Most Common Brake Problems

There are a handful of brake problems that most frequently require repair. Knowing about these six brake problems can help a car or truck owner be better prepared for what a particular brake repair might entail, before even going in to the auto repair shop. Starting with spongy braking, this is when the brake [...]


History of Drum Brakes

Automobile brakes come in different styles and designs. From disk brakes to drum brakes, designs have developed and improved from the late 1800’s until today. In 1902, a brake “race” was run, with a man named Ransom E. Olds entering his “Oldsmobile” against a Victoria horseless carriage and a four-horse coach equipped with tire [...]

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