
Breaking Down Your Vehicle’s Ignition System

Although the automotive industry has succeeded drastically in technological and mechanical advancement throughout history, all cars with combustible engines still have one thing in common: the ignition system. Over the years, close to all primary components of a car have undergone improvement; however, for almost a century, the basic principles of an ignition system [...]


Vehicle Problems That Arise Because of a Lack of Preventative Maintenance

If you are among the estimated 1.4 billion drivers in the world chances are you have experienced some form of “car trouble” in your time. This could be worn brake pads, a shaky steering wheel, or maybe some inexplicable “bumping” from under the hood. No matter the quality in manufacturing, all parts that make [...]


Common Causes of Alternator Damage and How to Tell

Your alternator is an important part of your vehicle. Learn the signs of a failing alternator from the experts at Provo Master Muffler. The Thing About Alternators Unfortunately, alternator problems can be mistaken for other issues in your vehicle, namely a faulty battery or a failing starter system. If you’re experiencing trouble starting your [...]

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