mechanic holds car strut

If you’re noticing that your car isn’t driving as smoothly as it used to, or if you’ve been experiencing a lot of bounciness when you hit bumps in the road, it might be time for some new shocks and struts. Here’s some information on what your shocks and struts do, and how to tell if it’s time for new ones.

What Are Shocks and Struts?

Shocks and struts are an important part of your car’s suspension system. Shocks work to absorb the impact from bumps in the road, while struts help to keep your tires firmly planted on the ground. Over time, shocks and struts can wear down from all the use they get, which is why it’s important to know how to tell when they need to be replaced.

What Causes Shocks and Struts to Wear Out?

Shocks and struts can wear out for several reasons. Here are some things to be mindful of while you are driving on the road when it comes to your shocks and struts:

  • Frequent Off-Roading: If you take your car off-roading a lot, the shocks and struts will have to work harder than normal to keep the car stable. This can cause them to wear out more quickly.
  • Hitting Potholes: Hitting a pothole can cause damage to your shocks and struts. The impact from the pothole can cause them to leak, and over time this can lead to complete failure.
  • Carrying Heavy Loads: If you’re constantly carrying heavy loads in your car, it puts extra strain on the shocks and struts.
  • Extreme Weather Conditions: Extreme cold or heat can also cause shocks and struts to wear out more quickly.

How Can You Tell If Your Shocks or Struts Are Worn Out?

There are several warning signs that your shocks or struts might be worn out:

  • Excessive Bouncing: If you hit a small bump in the road and your car starts bouncing up and down for a while afterwards, that’s a sign that your shocks are worn out.
  • Bad Handling: If your car feels like it’s swaying back and forth when you make turns, or if it feels unstable overall, that could be a sign of bad struts.
  • Uneven Tire Wear: If you notice that your tires are wearing down unevenly, with more wear on one side than the other, that’s another sign that your struts might be worn out.

Why Is It Bad When Shocks and Struts Wear Out?

It’s important to replace your shocks and struts when they start to wear out because they play such an important role in keeping your car stable. If you don’t replace them, it can lead to several problems:

  • Your car won’t handle as well, making it more difficult (and dangerous) to drive.
  • Your tires will wear down more quickly because they won’t have the support they need.
  • You could end up with permanent damage to your car’s suspension system.

If you think it might be time for new shocks or struts, bring your car into Master Muffler Sandy and we’ll take a look. Our expert mechanics can help you get back on the road with a smooth ride in no time!


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