Fuel Inefficient
As a driver, there are few feelings better than pulling away from the gas station, all fueled up and ready to go; the world is yours to conquer and you’ve got miles to go, yet. That feeling of freshness, of renewal, can be counteracted, however, by one slight change to the situation: this is your sixth or seventh time filling up the car this month.
As car technology gets more advanced and fossil fuels are becoming less and less, a higher premium is being put on fuel economy. Not only is it cheaper for the driver, which is good in light of how expensive cars are getting, but providing it is good for the image of the manufacturer, who wants to be known as conscientious to both their customers and the environment.
Fuel efficiency doesn’t just help the driver’s wallet at the gas station; it makes a big difference in terms of car repairs. At Master Muffler in Downtown Ogden, our team of licensed mechanics tests exhaust systems and emissions every day. Some of these repairs can be extensive. The more efficient the car, the easier it is to service, typically, thanks in large part to how it’s treated by the driver.
Fuel Efficiency Broken Down
Before we expand on the idea of how a driver increases fuel economy, what makes a fuel-efficient car in the first place? As you probably suspect, it has much to do with how the car is built. The most efficient cars have some or all of these qualities in common.
- Aerodynamics: You’ve likely seen the scenario in car commercials of a vehicle in a wind tunnel, a jet of air bending over the windshield and hood. Air has weight as well as volume and a car that can cut through air better will suffer less drag as it travels.
- Size: Heavy cars require more energy to get going. More energy means more fuel. Big trucks can help mitigate this by using diesel but the physics never lie. The most fuel-efficient cars on the market are usually smaller.
- Engine: We mentioned diesel above, which can go a long way in adding to the fuel economy of your vehicle. Diesel engines are generally more efficient than their gas-burning counterparts. Your engine’s power output also plays a role in how far you’ll go on a single tank, so having it serviced regularly by our Downtown Ogden car repair center is a must.
While it can’t be considered a total cause of good fuel economy, low emissions in a vehicle is another correlation of high efficiency. As such, electric cars sport extremely high fuel efficiency, especially for short trips such as driving in your neighborhood or around town.
By checking these factors while you’re car shopping, you’ll be sure to land on a vehicle that will be kind to your wallet at the gas station.
What You Can Do
Fuel efficiency is something that, once you’re aware of it, becomes harder to forget — perhaps because it can be measured by how often you go to the gas station and how much money you’re spending to refuel. Luckily, once you know about fuel efficiency there are a few things you can do (or not do) to give your finances a break.
First, you can switch to a more fuel-efficient vehicle. While it may seem counterintuitive to save money by buying a new car, the resultant savings you’ll accrue from not needing to fill the tank as often will have a very real impact on your budget. Naturally, there are many websites that list the most fuel-efficient cars on the market today. Your new car will likely need less attention from our Downtown Ogden car repair shop, too, than say, an older model that you may be driving.
Secondly, you can be mindful of certain behaviors that minimize your efficiency. As drivers, we have more control than we realize over how our car’s systems perform.
- Avoid rapid acceleration and hard stops in short durations. Instead, allow your car to ramp up or down in speed more easily.
- Utilize cruise control more often. By locking the speed in, the car will regulate to optimal fuel efficiency on its own, rather than you constantly changing the rate of speed.
- Avoid idling. Did you know that your car loses nearly half a gallon of fuel an hour when idling?
- Avoid speeding. Your car was likely built to be most efficient at around 50 mph.
At Master Muffler, we can give your car a full run down to check that each part and system is working properly. This will increase your fuel efficiency as well. So, be sure to come in regularly for a tune-up so that your car always remains roadworthy.
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