During the winter months, many car owners worry about the ability of their car to handle the snow and ice. In order to ensure that you car can handle any storm or conditions that winter sends you way, there are several things to keep in mind.
If you are extremely concerned about your ability to drive in the snow, the best car to choose is one with traction control and anti-lock brakes. All-wheel drive cars handle best during winter conditions, with front-wheel drive coming in as second best.
No matter your type of car, one of the most common ways to make sure that you have the necessary traction on your car is to replace your general-purpose tires with winter tires. When choosing a winter tire, you can either select a basic snow tire or a studded tire.
Snow tires are the most common choice for the average driver. Designed with a tread system that prevents the buildup of snow and ice and made of a rubber that remains flexible during cold temperatures, snow tires easily handle the conditions of any winter road.
Studded tires, as their name suggests, have metal studs attached to the tires in order to cut through ice. You must be careful with studded tires as they are designed specifically for ice covered roads and freezing temperatures and can damage a regular road.
Whatever tire your choose, it is important to remember that it can be hazardous to mix tire types or have the wrong size. No matter your style of car, if you are putting on winter tires, you should replace all four tires at the same time. Mixing two winter tires with two all-season tires can cause poor handling, making any skid extra dangerous. Having extra large tires can also be perilous during a skid. Narrow tires cut more easily through the snow and slush, giving you a better handle in any winter condition.
To make the best choice, talk to your Utah auto mechanic. They will have the knowledge and experience necessary to make your car safe to drive through the snow, ice, slush, and freezing temperatures.
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