
How to Change Your Car’s Bulbs

There are dozens of light bulbs on your vehicle, illuminating everything to the road in front to the license plate in the rear. For all of the modern technologies given us, most automotive bulbs are essentially the same as on out grandfather's car. So, its no wonder why burnt out auto light bulbs [...]


Which Antifreeze is Best for Your Vehicle?

It can be difficult to decide on which products to buy for your car.  With so many products on the market these days, it can be an overwhelming task, even with help from a clerk in a Utah auto repair shop.  Throw in the fact that everyone has a different opinion on what [...]


How to Chose the Right Oil for Your Car

How do you know what is the right motor oil for your car?  Many people aren’t sure what kind to choose.  Often they use the same kind their father or grandfather used, not knowing if it’s right for their specific automobile. To take care of your vehicle properly, you will need at to [...]


Utah Auto Repair Software Advances

There are a lot of advantages of using modern computer software systems at Utah auto repair shops. It allows them to stay up to date with the entire industry. It also makes it easier for mechanics to find things, rather than have to search through a 500 page repair manual. The electronic age [...]


The Importance of a Clean Car

It is also nice to have a clean car when you take it in to get fixed at a Utah auto repair shop. The mechanics at the Utah auto repair shop will be working with your car. Utah auto repair shops are not responsible for any items left in your car, so its best to just have it clean before you take it in.


Windshield Repair

Our windshields can get broken or cracked by a variety of things. It can be caused by an accident, or an unexpected rock chip. Whatever the cause, a broken windshield will need to fixed, and sometimes it can cost a pretty penny to do so. During a car accident there will typically be [...]


Dealerships or Utah Auto Repair Shops?

Sooner or later your car will need maintenance checks or repair work done to it. The reason is because cars are machines, which means they will eventually need parts replaced or fixed. It comes with the territory. So, the question is, where are you going to take the car? Are you going to [...]

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