
Not Just Spinning Your Wheels: Using Knowledge To Maintain Your Tires

What is the most important element in a vehicle to make it travel? Is it the engine that produces the torque that rotates the axles? Is it the battery, which keeps all the electronic components of the car﹘from the radio to the onboard computers that control the car’s safety features﹘charged and in working order? [...]


You Never Forget Your First: Picking the Right First Car

There is nothing quite so memorable as putting the key into the ignition of your first personally-owned vehicle. The pride of having earned it yourself, the gratitude to those who might have given it to you, the joy of being completely autonomous with no strings attached﹘each feeling is distinct and will serve to make [...]


The Criteria of Top Safety Picks

When it comes to safeguarding the lives of motorists everywhere, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) was established to be the most vocal check to car manufacturers and policymakers that exists. An independent and nonprofit organization, the IIHS runs thorough tests on virtually every make and model of vehicle from each manufacturer and [...]


The Road Warrior: Avoiding Costly Mistakes That Devalue Your Vehicle

Owning a car is a privilege and so are the freedoms that it provides. Henry Ford, creator of the Model T﹘the first mass-produced vehicle marketed to the middle class at consumer-friendly prices﹘had this to say about his vision for a world on wheels:  “I will build a motor car for the great multitude. It [...]

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